

Declaration according to  § 5 Teledienstegesetz
Mayr Reiter Hinweisgeberschutz GbR
Lorenz Mayr, Jon Heinrich
Columbiadamm 29, 10965 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30.69 80 90 70
Fax: +49 30.69 80 90 79
USt-ID: DE241815741

Design and Realisation

publicgarden GmbH


Christine Fenzl / Steffi Mayr


All measure have been taken to ensure the accuracy of all information contained on this Website. However, they cannot take the individual case into consideration. We inform you that any liability in connection with the use of information is excluded. None of the information contained on this Website constitutes legal advice.

We have no influence on the actual or future content of linked pages. We are not responsible for the contents of the linked pages. We exclude liability for any illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents of the linked pages or damages due to their use.

Bar Association

All attorneys are admitted to the German Federal Bar.All attorneys are member of the Bar Association Berlin, Littenstraße 9,10179 Berlin, Telefon: 030/30 69 31 0, Telefax: 030/ 30 69 31 99, Email: info[at]

Applicable Professional Standards and Regulations

Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO)
Berufsordnung (BORA)
Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO)
Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG)
Berufsregeln der Rechtsanwälte der Europäischen Union (CCBE)

These can be found on the homepage of the Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer ( in German and English.

Out of Court Mediation

In case of dispute between attorneys and their clients the arbitration board of the Bar Association Berlin (§ 73 Abs. 2 Nr. 3 i.V.m. § 73 Abs. 5 BRAO) or the arbitration board of the German Federal Bar Schlichtungsstelle der Rechtsanwaltschaft (§ 191f BRAO),  Mail: schlichtungsstelle(at) may mediate on application.

Declaration according to DL-InfoV. pdf


The masculine form of employee is used in this contract for all employees – male and female – for better readability only.