
Welcome to the reporting office of your employer.

As ombudspersons, we are responsible for your reports about potential legal violations which have come to your attention in your professional context. As lawyers, we are bound to confidentiality. Do you have a report about a potential breach of criminal law or penalty provisions regarding health and occupational safety, or of other EU law? We will examine it carefully and protect your rights under the Whistleblower Protection Act.

You can give your report in any form - by phone, by email, by using our form or even in person. The content, wording or language of your report will not affect the review. In addition to German, we also speak English, French, and Spanish, and will call in translators if necessary. In the next step, we process your report in accordance with the German Whistleblower Protection Act.
We are the ombudspersons of your employer, i.e., the correct contact point for your reports. Therefore, we fulfil the legal tasks of the reporting office according to the Whistleblower Protection Act for your employer. As attorneys, we are independent. If a conflict of interest is likely to arise, however, we work together with other specialized law firms. Our expertise enables us to examine your information and take action. After all, our goal is to process your reported violations and thus ensure optimal work at your employer.
As a whistleblower, you are protected by the Whistleblower Protection Act. We may therefore only disclose your identity or consent to the whistleblowing process if it is necessary within the framework of the law (Section 8 Whistleblower Protection Act). The threat of reprisals, the attempt to put you under pressure, or to disadvantage you because of your whistleblowing are prohibited by law. You may also not be dismissed or given a warning, and you are entitled to compensation for damages.
We take your information very seriously. We examine it immediately and confirm receipt within 7 days at the latest. First, we assess whether your report falls within the scope of the Whistleblower Protection Act. If this is the case, we check the validity of the report. If necessary or at your request, we will contact you and clarify further issues. We will then develop appropriate measures to follow up on your report and remedy any infringement.

If you want to know more about Lorenz Mayr and Julius Reiter, click on the respective name.

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